Tuesday 15 February 2011

The breadful late brunch

The late brunch is too ...croissant language... said, true. Too precious. But it was extremely nice and it was, in fact, a late brunch. Literally.

We didn't eat much that day: in fact, we got up a bit early for a Saturday morning, went to a nice tattoo saloon, that was a bit darker outside than I would have thought, but with a cute inner touch -Spunk Tattoo-. And then got hungry. Really hungry. So we decided to finally make those delicious small breads, not beards:D, that we saw and drooled over on wines & knives.

We got the stuff, we improvised a bit, we put together a bit of artsy layout inside and outside the nice little breads. We got to eat them at about...don't remember, but surely it was fitted for the late brunch expression.
Sprinkled them with wine. Directly from the glass, in our wide open for flavors mouths. We went for some dry red wine, Romanian, not to cheap, not too expensive. Can't remember the name. Sorry.

We liked the experience. A lot. We loved the cheese (which was emmental plus some cow and sheep cheese made by grandmother) and the eggs trying to get out of the bread, the ham combined with the nice green parsley and dill.

It only took us like..half an hour tops to prepare them, while having fun too. And we were only able to eat 2 of them, 'cause they are sooo...fulfilling:)).

Enjoy your brunch, whatever you wanna call it and whenever you feel like having it!

Afterplay: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7NpEgKFdk&feature=related


  1. waaaaaawwwwww, nu atat pentru reteta cat pentru voi doi si pentru tatuaje. nebunie...yeeeyy

  2. Awww, happy că te-ai entuziasmat pentru noi:). Şi aştept propunere de ieşit, sau gătit în comun (that's an exciting idea) cu închinat de pahar, desigur:)

  3. naisss. mie imi plac ambele variante.

    va las pe voi fetele sa stabiliti detaliile.

  4. :)) cât cavalerism. very much appreciated:))
