Friday 25 February 2011

Welcome Home, Moody, the writing machina!

Didn't know what name to name her:).
Now I do: it shall be Moody. Not Hank, just Moody. Suits my mood.

This is a very big welcome to my new '40s Erika, the writing machine. It came in our home on the very days of Christmas, brought by Santa Claus. It had a small paper.ish note on which it stood written the owner's name: it was me.

I knew then that I was to be a real writer. With papers all around, with glasses of wine, with moody moods and with published and screened short novels, dare I say.

I love Moody, the writing machine. And I thank Mr Anton for all his help. I found him not easily, because there aren't many restorers and lovers of this kind of machines nowadays. He made Moody look great, he even put her some little feet to stand on.

Mr Anton brought Moody home this morning. We knew I had to start writing at it that very moment, because Moody shall not be a deco object. Moody entered my life to write it upside up.

Today More


  1. Lui Moody nu ii trebuie o prietena? :) Ar fi simplu sa-si faca una, cu putin ajutor din partea voastra. Ati face impreuna o gasca mare si vesela. Uite planul: ii dati un nume si oglinzii, ii faceti cunostinta cu Moody punandu-le fata in fata si atunci hop! dintr-o data mai apare cineva in oglinda, cineva care seamana f bine cu Moody.

    Macar asa Moody schimba doua vorbe scrise cu cineva cand nu esti tu acasa sa-i tii companie. :)

  2. Lui Moody ii cam place Mac-ul, recunosc. Ii place as in has a huge lifetime crush on the Mac. Dar cred ca impreuna le-ar placea la oglinda, intr-adevar. Si deja e usor erotic. Ceea ce nu e rau. Dar mai bine fiecare cu continuarea lui.
    Iar joaca ta de-a imaginile, reflexiile si cuvintele imi place, A.U.:)). Would like to hear more from where that came from.
